
travels (near and far)

Today Kit left for Dallas until late tomorrow.  It's quick trip and the kids and I are in a great routine with filling our days.  Living in Southern California means that we get beautiful weather year round but recently, I feel like we have been seeing spring bloom all around us, so we have been enjoying some neighborhood walks... They have been such a highlight of our days.  
 They talk to each other and I hear them laugh together.  She has her very specific baby talk and he has this sweetness when he talks to her.  It makes my heart so happy!

We always see something new.
We have walked by this house SO many times, but on this particular walk, Ryder shouted, "LOOK MAMA, It's a tree as tall as Daddy!"
I love the way his mind works.  To Ryder, there is nothing greater than his Daddy!
We also saw these flowers:
Ryder and I could not believe the detail... 
What an incredible Creator we have!
I hope that where ever you are you are getting to enjoy a little sunshine!