
Time capsule

Here is a little interview that I did with Ryder so that I can have this little "time capsule" of info on my little man.
Favorite toy:Buzz Lightyear
Favorite movie: Toy Story 3
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite thing to do with daddy: "I like to wrestle, then we play fight, then we eat dinner and we do it again!"
Favorite game: "Making my remote control motorcycle race"
Thing that makes you laugh: "daddy makes me laugh when we dance and we fall down and we are silly."
Who do you love to hang out with: Micah, Xander, Max, Ruby
Anything that you are afraid of: "alligators that eat my toes."
Favorite thing to do inside: "When I play with toys in my room." (Cars, Buzz, and Woody) and dance parties
Favorite thing to do outside: " play soccer and basketball with dada and mow the lawn with mama"
Favorite book: Walter Wick I spy books, Brown Bear, Mo Willems books
Favorite place to go in the car: Disneyland and Cars Land
Favorite food: Meatballs
Eden Marie:
She is walking and making LOTS of baby talk and noises and sounds.
She is climbing and and wanting to do anything her brother does.
She can blow kisses, give high fives, and wave hello and good bye.
She loves to eat. Anything. Anywhere. She loves to eat.
She has 8 teeth right now. Teething has been miserable! She recently had an ear infection. When she is healthy, she sleeps great.
She is a huge ham and we can tell she will have a sense of humor.
She is a thumb sucker.
She is serious when you first meet her until she warms up and then she is nothing but giggles and silliness!
She truly lives up to her name's definition of DELIGHT!