
heading out

We are on our way to Hume Lake for a little conference that Kit is attending.  The kids and I are tagging along and now that the packing is done, I am really excited about the next few days!
(Is it just me or is packing for little people one of the least fun things ever?!)
Ryder helped me with packing by loading up his favorite cars, little Buzz and Woody and his Brown Bear book into his CRAZY cool dinosaur back pack that he got from his aunt colie and uncle tommy for his birthday. He has been waiting to put it  to use!
 At one point he just sat with it, while I was running around cleaning the house and doing laundry of tiny socks and favortie Buzz Lightyear t-shirts.  It was really sweet to watch!
So we will see you next week my friends!  Have a wonderful day!