
when thrift finds are better than you thought...

 Generally, On Wednesdays, when Eden gets out earlier than Ryder, Eden and I will swing by a thrift shop that is by her school.  Sometimes we walk out empty handed, but sometimes, we find great deals on all sorts of things.  Awhile ago, I found this wooden tray in a thick cherry red finish for $2:

So I got it home and sanded it and applied my favorite stain:
Once it dried, it was all ready to be layered onto our book shelf:
It's fun when you thrift something and your plan for it turns out even better than I could have thought.


Tiny buddy

 I was sick over the last couple of weeks.  In spending lots of time at home, I got lots of time with my bunnies...



In such good hands...

 Every time I go to an annual doctor's visit, I become so overwhelmed that I am so well taken care of by such amazing physicians.  

I overwhelmed of the care I receive and that access I have to incredible healthcare.  It doesn't go unnoticed.  I am also so thankful for my health!  I don't want any of it to be taken for granted in the world that we live in...


mini baking

 Eden has become interested in mini baking.  Have you seen this?  There was a show on Food Network as well as kids that do miniature baking in You Tube.  She is fascinated with it!  Here are some photos that she has shown me:

She was really wanting to make a cake.  As a person who struggles to make an actual cake in real life size, I told her I would cheer her on.  It was the cutest thing ever!
Her batter was SO LITTLE:
She tried to figure out icing but it was tricky... I was so happy for her to have it turn out and to taste good!
This little girl is pure magic...


Fluffy carpool buddies

 The other day, I brought Baby Girl to pick Ryder up from school.  He loved it!  When we talk to her, this is the face we usually make, because 9/10 times she looks upset with her squished face...

(It is possible that there was fur in Kit's car after this particular carpool trip... Nothing that a lint roller can't fix.❤︎)


New Hobbies {I may be addicted...}

When I am watching a movie or in line at pick up, I will 99.9% of the time have my embroidery stuff with me... (Also I keep a word search in my car incase I forget my embroidery...) 
I get these kits online and they have become a favorite new hobby of mine...

I really love doing this new hobby...


One of our favorite spots...

 As Eden has fallen more and more in love with reading, she has fallen more and more in love with libraries.  One of her favorite places is the Wheeler library.  To be honest, we have loved this place since we first moved to Tustin.  A few weeks ago, before school got out for Christmas break, she begged to go and it was so fun to be there together...

We love that we have places like this that are close to our house that we get to enjoy together...



 The baseball season is coming and tryouts make that very real... It's our last year in TELL Little League. Our last year in Majors.  We are excited for what this season will hold...


long weekend and laying low

The weekend was filled with relaxed moments...

Puzzles have become a new favorite of ours.

Eden crafted her little heart out:
While we watched "Little Women" and "Emma":
We also did masks (The kind that nightmares are made of...)
Kit BBQ'ed Korean tacos and pickled onions:
It was SO GOOD!
We played the game 7 Wonders, a family favorite:
And Eden made pancakes:
It was so ice to have a quiet few days together.  
I am so thankful for this little family of mine...



 A day to remember what it is to live into the legacy that this man lived and left behind, and remembering that it shouldn't just happen only one day of the year...


fluffy snuggles

 We have had some fun snuggles with our bunnies.  Sometimes the kids capture it on camera.  Sometimes I get photos too... because we are those people now...

Jelly Belly turned 1 year old on January 6.
And sometimes they just want to be close:
We love these bunnies!
Happy Friday!