
Easter recap!

We had the best time this weekend celebrating Easter.  Here were some of the highlights:
On Saturday, we took the entire day as a family day.  We colored eggs, did an easter egg hunt, made a basket of goodies for the kiddos, enjoyed lots of good food together and spent lots of time in the beautiful sunshine!
Coloring eggs:
(Eden was down for her morning nap so Ryder had free reign and our full attention.  He was in heaven!)
Enjoying the sunshine and egg hunt:
(The daisy basket that Ryder was using was from the first easter basket I put together for Kit when we were first married.  I'm sentimental and it's sweet to see it used over a decade later...)
The easter egg hunt ended in his room where we hid his basket:
(I was so excited for him to see it! 
It was really fun to put together.)
 He loved it!
The glasses were a huge hit!
(Well, maybe not as much for Eden♥)
On Sunday we went to church.  It was incredible!
Eden was definitely ready for a nap.  Can you tell?
After we went home and everyone rested.  We hung out with our friends and community from church.
It was so fun to be together!
I hope that you had a wonderful weekend getting to celebrate Easter with people that you love.