
the passion flower

My sweet cousin Nancy shared this story that goes with the flower that Ryder and I found on our walk last week.  Remember this one?
Ryder and I were fascinated!  So My Aunt Jean used to tell Nancy about how it represents the Passion of Christ.  So here is the history/story:

The "Passion" in "passion flower" refers to the passion of Jesus in Christian theology. In the 15th and 16th centuries, Spanish Christian missionaries adopted the unique physical structures of this plant, particularly the numbers of its various flower parts, as symbols of the last days of Jesus and especially his crucifixion:
Blue Passion Flower (P. caerulea) showing most elements of the Christian symbolism
These flowers generally bloom around Easter too!
Thank you so much, my friend for sharing this with me!  Aunt Jean was one smart lady... I will now share that story with my kiddos!  You are so loved!