
weekend recap

Hi! How was your weekend?
We had some much needed family time.
I am so thankful! It was filled with laying low:
taking naps, making meals  and eating together, reading with Ryder, playing in the yard, wrestling matches that always ended with both guys being tuckered out...
We rented Moneyball and really enjoyed it.  We played games on the iPad and just enjoyed not having anything on the schedule.  We purchased the final items needed for Eden 
(crib sheets and a new boppy cover that is pink and white! So girly...) We are saving for a double stroller but other than that I think we have the necessities for her room and her arrival.
That feels really good! 
Kit used his smoker to make pulled pork sandwiches and we had dinner with Ryder's Uncle Andrew and Aunt Mallory.  It was so fun!  That was the only thing planned over the weekend, minus church on Sunday...  
It was a busy week last week with lots of late night meetings for Kit and so this week we should officially be getting back to normal...
I hope you have a happy monday!