

I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend.    Ours was filled with Kit preparing for his trip that he leaves for tomorrow and for me, it was trying to tackle the darn 9 part neonatal resuscitation exam, while wanting to carve out family time with our favorite little person.  Lots of juggling has been happening over at our house, that's for sure!
Kit preparing while Ryder, who does NOT want to be away from his dad, "reads" the monster at the end of this book on the iPad.  He wants to be just like his dad... I can't blame him, his dad is pretty amazing!
(Yep, that is a big boy bed...
I can't wait to tell you how that is going!)
I am happy to report that I was able to compete the NRP exam yesterday, and I feel as ready as I can for the validation skills lab on Thursday.  I just wanted to thank you for your words of encouragement and prayers on friday.  That was huge and I really felt them... 
Thank you friends!
We will be seeing our OB today so I think that I will have a date for starting maternity leave, and can I tell you, I am ready!
On a completely different note:
I wanted to show you two projects from the last few weeks that I haven't done before, but I am so excited how they came out!
project one: 
A pillow for Ryder's room that has on opening in the back AND had piping.  I had a little problem with the piping but I was able to fix it pretty easily.  (However, if you asked my mom, she would tell you I thought it was the end of the world when I didn't get it perfect the first time... Hormones! Sorry mom...)
My supplies:
(the fabric is from his wall art and the backing is from his fish pillow...)
And here is the finished product:
(I didn't take any "process" pictures because I was too busy trying to keep that darn piping in place with pins.)
project two:
Then I wanted to have a magnet board in Rdyer's room for pictures and his future art or little notes so this is what we came up with:
I took an old frame that we had, painted it black, then went to Lowes and got a metal sheet for the insert: 
(as an FYI, not all metal is magnetic, you may have known that, but I did not...)
Cut it to size with tin cutters:
Bought these orange magnets at Ikea: 
(Completely safe for little people):
And here you have it:
I am so excited how his room is coming together!  
More updates to come this week...