
local tastiness...

As we have been here over the last year, we have had fun discovering little things about our little city.  One of our favorite things to find and research are the tasty places to eat! There are places that have become favorites that we have frequented many times and there are new discoveries that we are making, and each one leaves us with full, happy bellies!
The other night, we decided to grab tacos at one of our favorite little spots and then to try a new ice cream place that had just put in a new location near us.
 She LOVES spicy food, so having options on salsa makes her so happy!
Then off to Afters Ice cream:
 Next time we can't wait to get  a milky bun!
 Already a thumbs up!
 Oh these three...
 The flavors that we got were jasmine tea, cereal and milk, and cookie monster.
(Kit thought the jasmine tea was equivalent to eating potpourri flavored ice cream, but Eden and I loved it.  To each his own...♥)
 Guess who picked cookie monster?
Pure blue joy...