
we are back!

We are back!  It has taken me awhile to get our act together since being gone last week.  We got back on Friday and then I worked all day on Saturday, and there was lots happening with church on Sunday so yesterday was a day for major catching up!  I am finally on top of our laundry loads and our fridge is  no longer empty.
So here is a little  recap of our vacation to the beach.
Nothing like feeling as though you are packing up your ENTIRE house.
 Our view once we arrived...
 There is a park right next to the house that we rent and the kids LOVE it!
 Ryder saw some kits flying...
"Mama, turtle!!!!"
 He loves his papa:
 There was lots of bike riding.
 Getting some sister time ALL BY OURSELVES!
It was wonderful talk time... I LOVE laughing with my sister.
(Cole, what do people do without sisters?)
 We went to the Santa Barbara Zoo one day.
 Elephants were the favorite.
(I will spare you all the pictures and just share the family group shot♥)
 My sister brought a HUGE bag of glow in the dark stuff and the kids had a party.
 The best part was that Ryder wantted to sleep with all his glow in the dark stuff so the next morning he looked like he had been at a rave the night before because he did NOT want to take any of it off.
We got to spend lots of time at the beach:
 Eden is such a happy baby:
 There was lots of sand... everywhere... all the time... Ryder looked like a churro for 90 percent of the vacation...
The annual picture of the cousins:
 We got lots of time at the beach.  My sister brought a kite to fly,  but all Ryder wanted to do was to play catch with the football:
(I am not going to tell you how hard it was for me to hop on kit's back... sweet Lord...)
 The boys:  
(Ryder's cousins are SO good with him!)
 It's too bad that Eden and her Papa don't like each other:
We went to the weekly farmers market:
(We've gone the last four years and really have enjoyed walking around.  This year there was a vintage VW car show... it was awesome!)  Kit and I have a dream of restoring a van and taking it on a trip when we are older.  It is fun to dream together!  (Kit took lots of pictures and put them on his instagram... Needless to say, we were both drooling...)
 The kids love walking by the boats:
My sister and I are a nervous wreck because the kids kept wanting to look into the water... 
We took a little boat through the canals and ate lunch.
(It's become a fun tradition!)
The girls:
 Ryder and his cousin:
For the trip my sister and my mom made pajamas for everyone:
(Note, trying to get a group shot in the evening, with a timer, with 5 kiddos is no small task.)
Kit and I also had some wonderful talks on the beach once the kids were down.
I really love my husband...
It was a wonderful trip, filled with good food and meals together, games, watching synchronized swimming and being amazed, and lots of talking and laughing.  I am so sad that it went so fast.  We have already booked the house for next year and I am so excited!