
Quiet moments

I realize how thankful I am at how simple our lives are right now.  They aren't in school or sports or extra curricular activities.  We wake up and play, run errands or have outings or play dates.  We pretty much do what we want, when we want and I love the flexibility that we have right now.  It offers these very peaceful moments...
Playing with trains and cars:
 just laying around:
 I bring my coffee and reading material in, we play together, we read together, and I just enjoy while I watch my kiddos.
(Sometimes Ryder likes when I play with him, and sometimes I get a "No mama, chair.."translation: "No mama, you can sit in the chair, I want to play by myself...")
I am really enjoying these quiet moments of watching my babies grow♥...
I hope that you have a wonderful day that has some beautifully peaceful moments in it.