

I have been following many of the stories coming from Japan and my heart is broken. Going from earthquakes, to tsunamis, to nuclear plant melt downs... Last week well over 10,000 deaths had been reported and it had been noted that this was the worst crisis since WWII. I fill my days by caring for my happy and healthy family and on the other side of the world, there is such incredible heart ache and loss. As Japan continues to rally against a nuclear crisis and recovery from their natural disasters, our prayers are with them, and their families.

A prayer from my devotion that seemed so appropriate, I really wanted to share it:

How, Oh Lord, can I have hope when this world is such an insecure place?

Natural calamities destroy.
Economic uncertainties abound.
Human beings being killed.

I fear, Lord, that evil will win out in the end.
I worry that my efforts will be for nothing.
I feel overwhelmed by powers beyond my control.

You alone, O Lord, are my hope. You alone are my safety. You alone are my strength. May I-even with my fears and anxieties, my insecurities and uncertainties-swing like a needle to the pole star of the Spirit.
