
Moving forward and getting ready to party!

In spite of Ryder's broken clavicle, he is INSISTING that we don't cancel his birthday party.  He is ready to party and celebrate and I think that is just what the doctor ordered.  (What the doctor actually ordered was to give motrin and tylenol around the clock as needed for pain, bandage wrap and sling to keep it immobilized and to keep a close eye on it and force him to take it easy and to lay low...♥)  
Ok, so I know I was telling you about the party plans over here, but we have been adding to that as time has allowed.
We made felt arrows for the table centerpieces:
To go with the arrows, and using a small sapling that Kit had cut down from our backyard, I made tiny targets:
Pretty much all of our decorations were from our yard, or from my craft stash and from things I already had, and it's been so fun to see it all come together!
I also wanted to make something fun to give to the kiddos that were coming and I found this idea on Pinterest and I adapted it so that it would work for me: popsicle stick, floss, and q-tip bow and arrow sets.  Here is the skinny:
 Soak the popsicle sticks in water until they easily bend and then cut two notches on each end to secure the floss through.
 Keep both cotton ends on the Q-tips and they will shoot several yards.  It's perfect for ages of Ryder and up.  Then I made a set for each family, with candy of course...♥
Due to Ryder's broken clavicle, we are going to keep the activity at the party pretty low so that Ryder doesn't feel like he has to miss out, but otherwise, I think that we are ready for Sunday.  I am just praying that my kiddo can enjoy it and will be pretty comfortable.
I seriously can't wait to celebrate this kid!