
Easter Recap...

We are coming off of a HUGE but WONDERFUL weekend of celebrations and I just can't tell you how full our hearts are because of it all!
Good friday was beautiful service where all of our campuses came together to celebrate the death of Jesus.  Ryder went early with Kit so my girl and I had some fun getting ready together:
Setting up for Sunday at the Fairgrounds:
Heading home to get things organized for our post church celebrations:
Ryder helped me fill the eggs that we had pick rout together and I put together their Easter basket while they napped:
Then Sunday morning.  In our opinion, the best day of the year.
We had the absolute privilege to be part of the baptism team and I am not going to lie to you, I ugly cried more than once that morning.  Partnering with Kit and being his teammate in ministry (and life) is such an honor!
Then we came home and had all of kit's brothers, their families, Kit's parents, and our friends the Thrashes over for Easter lunch, egg dying, and hunt.
So here were the favorite snapshots of the day!
The food was really tasty!
Baked Ziti, ham, smoked brisket, creamy potatoes, green salad, and appetizers for DAYS! 
The egg hunt:
Everyone brought stuff for all the kids and they had SO much fun!
Being with our family was such a treat.  It is pretty rare that we are all together!
Celebrating April birthdays:
 Little besties!
(I plan to have them retake this picture when they are adults!
This was the absolute best picture that we could get.
The struggle is real...
It was an incredible Easter and we are so happy that we were able to make more sweet memories in our home!
I am not going to lie, we were EXHAUSTED by sunday night, but for all the right reasons.  Easter is one of Kit's favorite childhood holidays and he is so excited to be creating these traditions and memories with our family!
Thank you to Grandi and Monkey Papa for managing the kiddos and our home so that we could be all the places that we needed to be!
We love you!