
meal time activities

Ryder has been waking up early, as in before 6am and it is PAINFUL!  I have been struggling with not wanting to just leave him in front of a show or the TV, and my conversation ability at that time in the morning has really been lacking♥.  Recently, however, my sister gave us these question cards and they are AWESOME!  
 I feel like we get to learn things and he has so much fun with them!
We have done them this last week and he has really been enjoying them.  I still get to be with him in those early hours, but it is so nice to get to use a tool like this while I wait for my coffee to kick in.
Between reading our favorite books, coming up with questions for Ryder, and now pulling in some learning games, meal times have become so much richer.
On the same lines as family meal times, Kit ordered me this book and I am LOVING it!  
If you have a chance, check it out.
I hope that you have a great day!