
ears and teething

So many of you already know this about my kids, but I have had the hardest time figuring out when my kids have an ear infection vs. when they are just teething.  (Did I just say JUST!?!?!)  I have become that frantic mother who calls and has to be seen ASAP so that my kids ears can be assessed.  I always second guess myself and I hate how worried I get!  Sheesh!
Two weeks ago, Eden had several nights in a row where she did not sleep at all during the night.  I was so strung out and I felt like my poor Ryder had the worst mother EVER!
Guess who had an ear infection?  Yep, this was Eden's third one since birth.  She had one at her one month appointment (Ryder had been sick too...), this last february, and then a few weeks ago.  We have been in so many times and told that she is teething and that her symptoms are normal.  
So we just had a doctor's apointment this week that ears look AWESOME and that teething is in full effect!  I hate what worry does to me.  It spirals me out of control, I can let it dominate how I care for my babies.  Goodness, there is nothing quite like parenthood to have you on your knees, realizing my need for dependence on Christ.
All that to say, we were so happy to get the result that Eden's ears are healthy!
Here we were in the doctor's office, happy as a clam:
 Can you tell that she has been teething?
Reading up on staying healthy:
Ok, my friends! Have a great day!  Thank you for all of you that have been praying for Eden.  I felt them and so did she!!!♥