
flying solo

On March 20 and 21st, I had my first full days alone with both of my kiddos.  (I know, it's pretty pathetic that Eden is almost a month old and this was my first time, what can I say, I am codependent that way♥.)
I really wanted to document our time, but the best I could do was pictures with my iPhone.  
We started our time together by taking a trip to our pediatrician's office because of a cough that Ryder had.
(Super fun to do with two kids...)
He is now on liquid albuterol.
note: On the 23rd, we found out that Eden had an ear infection and cough due to sharing germs with her brother.  It was a rough week!
So since he is sick, we can't be around other little people and with our cold weather, we have had to hunker down inside.
I got him a Toy Story coloring set from Michael's dollar bin.
(Hey Michael's, if you are going to put markers inside your coloring packs marked  "for ages 2+", please make them washable...)  That teaches me...
Ryder is mr. independent and put his own pants on for the first time:
Notice anything?
 Yep, they are on backwards, and he was NOT about to let me change them.
We made waffles for two reasons:
1. I can make a full batch and then use them for breakfasts later in the week and
2. Ryder loves to use the mixer.
(It's practical and entertaining... a win, win)
In trying to keep some some space between Ryder's germs and his sister, Eden has been here for the majority of the time...  Thank God the weather is cool!  Newborns are little thermostats!
The meal of champions: 
(or the very lazy and sleep deprived♥ ...)
Busting out play-doh:
(Ryder discovered that it does not make a good snack.)
We also watched Ryder's current favorite movie:
(Toy Story and Play-Doh made for a fun combo for this little sickie...)
We also played with legos, dinosaurs, and his cars:
You might think that this is a printer:
But throughout the day, it becomes things like a cave for dinosaurs:
And a garage for his cars:
In between trying to get Ryder what he needed, I was making sure that this little munch ate.  It's hard being so little...♥
I really love being with my babies! I am so grateful that I get this time with them!
I know we will continue to get a routine and there will be a time that I won't even remember doing it without TWO little people.