
finally taking the plunge

Ok, may be the title sounds slightly dramatic, but we have been going around and around about this purchase for MONTHS! We finally decided to get an air mattress.  (I know, probably not what you would think would warrant such dramatics.) It had been a long time coming and since we didn't have the futon or a place for people to sleep, we wanted to have some option available that was a little bit comfortable.
So after lots of research and talking with people, we decided on the the air mattress from Hammacher Schlemmer, mainly because it had high ratings on air retention, high customer satisfaction ratings, and LIFETIME GUARANTEE! Yep, we were sold.
We went with two twins so that we had flexibility with the number of guests and space.
Ryder is thinking that he has a new toy.
It allows us to have special moments like this:
We are so happy with it and so are our overnight guests♥.
Thanks for being our guinea pig!
We love you and look forward to many more sleep overs!