
Some Christmas Tid Bits

Ryder got some Christmas jammies, which led to a photo shoot... 
The fact that they had a monkey on them was just too perfect!
I will be using these to make some thank you cards...
We also have had some fun with Christmas cards this year...
After we got together for a family photo shoot with my side of the family, we put this card together: 
And can I tell you that one of my favorite things this time of the year is getting Christmas cards.
I love seeing our friends and family and their growing families and seeing updates from each year to the next.
I put them on our prayer wall above our desk, in the center of our house, and Ryder and I pick someone each morning at breakfast to pray for.  I will be honest, A few mornings ago he woke up at 6am and I was not on my A game to be intentional with our prayer. 
 Thank you for sharing life with us!
We are off for our annual holiday weekend with our extended family...
See you on Monday!