
The Christmas story

We have been having some very sweet moments with the Christmas story.  The Jesus Storybook Bible does such great job of telling the story in a way that little people can really grasp it. (I am not saying that MY little person has fully grasped it, but the wording makes it so much easier for their little minds...)
So Ryder has been bringing his bible to me and we have been reading the nativity story together.
This is currently the favorite page/picture:
(I like to think it's because it has baby Jesus in it, but I think Ryder likes it because of the animals...)
note: right now, since dinosaurs are the favorite, ALL animals make a growling/roar sound.  I'm not going to lie, it's pretty funny to hear his growl in response to what does a sheep or a baby chick say...  We will keep working on it.
We are excited to watch this little man grow to really learn what this story is all about...