
some christmas photos

We had a wonderful Christmas! It ended up being really low key and relaxed at my parents house, filled with lots of AMAZING food (pasta of course), lots of laughter and some quality family time.  Ryder can not get enough of his cousins...  He loves them so much and is always so distraught when they have to leave. 
The cousins!
Getting them all in one place at one time can feel like a circus, but they did a great job this year:
My sister and brother-in-law:
Ryder opening his stocking and discovering fish crackers... 
he was THRILLED!
 Our present to my parents:  thank you ETSY for being so amazing!
I went in with my parents and Kit's parents to get Kit an iPad:  
(The lighting is horrible, but he was so surprised and so excited, I had to try to catch a picture!)I am doing a separate post on Kit's gift to me, it was that special and significant!
Our annual family picture by the tree:
We can't wait to add miss Eden Marie next year!
Speaking of Miss Eden Marie, we got to see her little face on 4D yesterday, and we think that she looks just like Ryder's ultrasound pictures.  Here is a sneak peak at our baby girl.  For those, like us, that are still in denial that we could be having a girl, we saw it in 4D, and she is DEFINITELY a she.  That would be the fourth ultrasound to confirm and my mom has NEVER been wrong in almost 35 years. We still can't believe it!
I'm convinced she is laughing in this one:
 Sleepy baby:
 She sleeps like her dad and her brother: hand over her face:

We are 30 weeks and she is measuring almost 1 1/2 weeks ahead of schedule and is measuring to weigh over 4 pounds at this point.  YIKES! 
Baby girl~

We love you so much and we are so excited for your arrival.  We can't wait for you to get here so that we can meet you!  You are wanted, you have waited for you and you are so very LOVED!