
Date Day!

With the last few weeks being so crazy with work and church and all-nighters with our elementary kids and a new campus in South County, Kit decided to take today off and we have been having the best day. Kit slept in, (so needed after this last weekend with the all-nighter) I don't really sleep in. Little did Kit know what a morning person he married. Then we made waffles and just woke up slowly, which is key to life with my Kit.
Then he took me to see cloudy with a chance of meatballs, which had some really funny parts, but I still think the story line of the book is better.

PS: I have seen the preview a couple of times but how good does the movie where the wild things are look? I mean, the whole thing about how we each have a wild thing inside of us and all that... I can't wait for that to come out...
If you haven't seen the trailer, check it out.

Then we went to lunch at one of our favorite places in Fullerton, Rutabagorz, which always lends itself to some great talks over some REALLY good food (especially when you really haven't seen your spouse in a few days, there is lots of things to talk about...)
I really appreciate being married to my best friend.
Thanks for today, Kit Rae!
Being with you and laughing with you makes for the best of days...