
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

I LOVE kids books. I could write a blog every day just about them. One of my all time favorite books is "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" written by Judi Barrett and illustrated by her vegetarian husband Ron. It was given to me for Christmas when I was little and it has been a favorite ever since.
I saw recently at a movie preview that they are coming out with a movie based on the book. It doesn't really look like they are the same story but I thought it would be so sad if the movie was the only version that you saw, so as a shout out to one of my favorites, please check out this amazingly creative story before heading to the theater. You will not be sorry.
ps. This book is so special to me that when I have had a bad day, Kit reads it to me before I go to sleep. But don't tell him I told you...