
"that's a good meatball..."

Ok, so I have really never had a recipe for meatballs. I mean, my mom and my grandma have made them and they are amazing, but they just aren't as good when I try to make them. My mom gave me another recipe and Kit said it was a five star dinner, which was such a compliment, because Kit is the cook in our house. I cook but he is THE cook.

It made me realize that I need to be braver in the kitchen, to try new things and then I might find more family favorites to add to my repertoire.

I made a caprese salad to go along with it and the combination was AMAZING! So remember, meatballs are not only found on spaghetti... they will however be found at our house a whole lot more per Kit's request...
Have fun being brave in your kitchen!
ps, you can borrow Kit if you would like an encouraging soul to cook for...