
Waiting almost 17 years...

After almost 17 year of marriage, we decided to get a tv in our bedroom.  It was an early anniversary present because the deal at Costco was SO GOOD!
It went from this:
 With the help from my favorite handyman and his assistant:
 To this:
The first night we piled on our bed and watched an episode of Dick Van Dyke.
It has been a game changer.  When the boys watch sports, Eden and I cuddle up and watch Netflix.
We have family movie nights.  I have had a place to quarantine a kiddo that is under the weather.  Kit and I have fun watching shows in the evening when the house is quiet and we can settle in for the night.  As we look ahead to the kids having friends over, creating a space that Kit and I can retreat to as we host those shenanigans.  It's been such a fun addition and I'm really grateful to have this space to be...