
Red Ribbon Week

Last week was Red Ribbon Week at the kids school.
If you look up the definition of it: "Red Ribbon Week is an alcohol, tobacco, and other drug and violence prevention awareness campaign observed annually in October in the United States."
The National message is "Send A Message, Stay Drug Free."
Our school emphasizes: "What are good choices that I can make to have a happy, healthy life." 
So through the week, the kids have a theme for their "Spirit Dress Up" Days.
Hawaiian Day "Lei off bad choices"
 He wore his shark socks to represent the ocean around Hawaii...❤︎
Wear Red Day "We are proud to be drug free"
Wear work out clothes "Work out Wednesday to stay healthy"
Crazy Sock Day "Don't be crazy, make wise choices"
Favorite Sports Jersey Day "Team up to make healthy choices"
The kids had a great week and I was so thankful to all the room moms that kept me informed and organized...