
updates and tune ups...

Ok family, last week was one of the biggest that we have had in such a long time!  With school starting and all the emotions that came with that. Then Ryder started soccer.  He absolutely loves it! There have been baseball games and huge house projects and the starting of small groups.  There have been significant prayer meetings for dear friends going on missions, bringing meals to new parents, and having sweet significant moments for our church community with storytelling.  I want to capture it all and be present with everything.  And in the midst of all that and wanting to share those sweet moments with you, our computer decided it was tired of all I was trying to make it save and capture.  So now my computer is getting a tune up because I was trying to put too much memory on it, so Kit updated it to 4 terabytes... I am told that should hold everything for my photo obsession.❤ So while I wait for the tune up and updates and all that good stuff, know that the pictures and the stories are coming, and that Carbonite is going to save it all...❤