
switching my perspective with sick kiddos

Ok, so the last week has been tough.  Not only were we sick over the holidays with the stomach flu, but then Rdyer got a chest cold, runny nose and cough from the kids in our lives and then gave it to his sister.  My poor kids!  The hardest part for them in being sick is how it isolates us.  I have two INCREDIBLY outgoing, relational kids. We can't go to school or church or meet up with our friends for play dates.  It's all about trying to get better and contain what we have so that no one else gets it.  Ryder has missed two days of preschool and he was so BUMMED to not see his friends and his teacher.  I start to go down this rabbit hole of frustration and then step back and I am so thankful that being sick is not a part of our normal.  We can get the medicine we need, see the doctors that we love, and I can get care for my babies with out trying to go it alone.  What a blessing it is!  So today, as I write this, Ryder is home from school getting over the tail end of his cold.  We are going to capitalize on what we have, snuggle up with our books and movies and eat comfort food and kick this cold in the toosh!
Here are some things that have brought smiles to our faces the last few days:
This was posted at Ryder's school last week and my friend Angelina sent it to me:
She decided to accessorize her pjs:
Being sick will not slow this little fashionista down:
Even though they are sick, they are playing so sweetly together:
He is SO good with her.  They are so lucky to have each other!
So here is to getting better quickly so that we can jump back into the swing of things!