
Time with our people...

This saturday, we got together with our close friends from college.  We have known each other for about 16 years.  It started with a group of guys living in the same dorm, on the same floor, starting an accountability small group together.  Since Kit and I started dating right after we started college, I have had the privilege of knowing these guys for pretty much as long as Kit has.  We have loved watching each other fall in love, start families, make huge life decisions, celebrate babies and growing families, mourn the loss of pregnancies and have been the people that are called in crisis and in celebration.  They pray for us and love on us when it's hard, and we drink margaritas and consume large amounts of mango salsa and laugh until our sides hurt when it's time to celebrate.  (Sometimes celebrating and mourning can look very similar...♥)  I love these people.  We don't hang out enough, but when we do, I swear it's just the best! So this is what time with our people looks like:
We met at a park to get lots of wiggles out and to play kickball:
Me and my Mae:
The Boys:
The Girls:
Our Children:
 We couldn't get Jack to sit for the picture...
Go Jack, Go!
For the kids:
(Saying sweet prayers of thankfulness with our babies...)
For the adults:
My fella:
We had an incredible time being together.
How thankful we are for lifelong relationships!