
only 20%

DISCLAIMER:  I am not a fashion or organizational expert.  I just had so much fun with this closet challenge that I wanted to document it.  Also, I have been very inspired with the fact that we will be moving in less than a month.  
Don't worry, I won't quit my day job♥!
My dad saves articles for me from the Wall Street Journal (from their lifestyle/fashion section).  (Yah, not so much from current events or the financial pages... my Dad is a realist that knows his daughter.)  Last April, they did a story on how the average person wears only 20% of their entire wardrobe. (For those that LOVE math as much as I do, that means 80% is just sitting there, not being worn or used.)  That just seems crazy!  After reading the article, I did another go with the hanger method that I had seen from the organizer Peter Walsh.  It had been about 9 months of wearing what was in my closet, so a few weeks ago, I pulled out all the clothes that had not been worn and made two piles:  one to share/donate, and one that was questionable.
I had a few items that were in an unsure pile and so I committed to wearing them over the next few weeks.  I decided if I didn't wear them, they would be donated.
(I had a few dates with friends where I was able to shed the packing and grungie clothes and actually put some thought into what I was wearing.  With how crazy I have been feeling with the move and the sick kids and Kit traveling, it really did feel good to put some effort into it.  Each time I would get "dressed up", Ryder asked if we were going to church, and Eden would say, "CUTE, mama!" Giving effort is apparently few and far between around here.)
Here are the ones that made a comeback:
I hadn't worn the grey sweater in so long, but I really liked it layered.
 these shoes and the scarf hadn't been pulled out in over a year, so they made a comeback together.
 Ok, minus the dorky pose, I was going to give away this button down shirt because the collar was a little funny, but it's long and I liked how it went with the scarf.
 This brown sweater was CRAZY comfortable.  I don't know why I didn't wear it this last fall.
(Oh wait, probably because it was almost always 90 degrees!)  
 This button up white shirt and cardigan are other ones that were saved by layering.
I was going to give this grey blazer away but I liked it with rolled sleeves, so it stayed, and went out to dinner for a co-workers retirement party:
I got rid of over 20 pieces of clothing, and I have to say, that my wardrobe feels so much bigger because I am actually wearing what's in it.  I'm thankful that the stuff that was just sitting there is going to get used by someone who needs it! 
Ok, now back to wearing my errands/packing/grungie clothes...
I have some packing to do!