
what we did while kit was gone... (a story of codependence...)

While Kit was gone, my mom came to stay with us for a day so that I could tackle some projects here, and then we headed out to Redlands for the rest of the week.  And by the rest of the week, I mean we stayed until saturday night.
Here were some highlights of our time while Kit was gone:
Having Mia made waving goodbye to kit so much easier:
 Then LOTS of reading, a trip to Chic-fil-A,  shopping at Michaels and just getting things checked off the list:
 It's so nice to have company in those long evening hours!
 Tuesday morning we headed to Redlands and had some fun at Brookside Park, a favorite of our family since it was built!
 Having dinner with family, jumping on the Rosie's trampoline, bath time together, and then getting to snuggle up and read before bed were all such treats!
 We followed my mom to Victoria Gardens while she attended her computer class.  My sister and I had so much fun just talking over coffee.  (More like some really good therapy and sanity...♥)
 My dad got a new BBQ and Ryder, of course, had to "help" put it together...
 We went to the local museum that I used to go to when I was a kid.
It's perfect for our family!
 Oh my littler hunter was so excited!
 His nose was pushed up to the glass and he was SO EXCITED!
Ryder had his Mia read him each information card...
Ryder got a much needed haircut: 
 He loved seeing himself in the mirror:
(The faces where hilarious!)
 My very big kid!
 Then on our last day, we went to my nephew Xander's first soccer game.  He was voted team captain for the day and they won 3-1.  Xander made the fist goal and he did SO well!
We are so proud of him.
My brother-in-law Tommy was the assistant coach and Ryder was Tommy's assistant:
The. Entire. Game.
My niece Ruby babysat Eden:
And everyone was apparently invited to the team huddle:
Xander, we are so proud of you!!!
Through the week, we spent LOTS of time destroying/playing around my parent's house:
We are so thankful that we got so much family time while Kit was gone.
On Tuesday night I had the privilege to  get together with some women from my family's church to watch and discuss portions of Jen Hatmaker's "If" conference.  The conversation was wonderful and my dad watched the kids so I got to really feel present in the discussions.  It was a huge blessing!
We are so thankful that Kit is home, that my parent's haven't disowned us,  that the kids are adjusting well to the time change, and that we get to move so soon!  We have big things coming this month and we are so excited about them all!  (Except the actual packing process and moving... Yah, I could really do without that whole part...♥)