

Yesterday was a tough day.  Both kids are fighting coughs and we had to see the doctor.  We aren't sleeping and I never do well when I am exhausted.   Eden needed to be started on medicine to make her breathing/coughing better/more manageable.  In the morning, I asked Ryder to take his bowl of oatmeal to the kitchen counter, and after three defiant "NO!", he picked up his placemat and bowl and threw it on the floor.  I came unglued.  I was SO frustrated with him!  I was mad and I really wanted to scream. Those moments are the HARDEST times in parenting.  I sent Kit a text.  I called my sister, I cried.  I called my friend Ang, who I was supposed to see that day to meet her baby, and I cried.  It was cathartic.  I felt better.  So we are taking these days one moment at a time.  This is parenthood, the yucky trenches in what can feel like an endless battle.  But I know that it will get better.  I know that the Lord is doing something in us in this process. Kit took today off.  We are going to regroup.  We are going to rest. Sometimes, you just need to say a prayer that says something like, "HELP!" or "I need you..."  I then you need to remind yourself to breathe and know you are not alone. 
I will tell you that the day ended with hugs and kisses and "I love you's" and a promise for a better day.
I am hopeful♥...