
a little "daddy's day" recap

This year, Kit's birthday fell on Father's day so we decided to call it "Daddy's Day".  This was a hard day in that Kit has been pretty sick and has been not feeling good at all.  He also had to go to church on Sunday morning WHILE feeling awful... poor guy didn't complain but I could tell he was just miserable.  We did try to make the day a little special, even though we tried to lay low, since Kit was feeling so crummy.  I had told Ryder that we would be doing our doughnut tradition and he was so excited to go get them, light the candle and sing, so even though Kit was not up for EATING them, we were not about to miss out on the candle and singing.
Ryder helped me with wrapping his presents and making a special card:
I can't wait to show you how it came out♥.
The kids are getting over coughs so we didn't go to church.  
We were so bummed to not see our friends.  
Kit actually came home early from church because he was sick...
When Kit got home, Ryder was SO excited for Kit to open his presents.  
(Ryder LOVES unwrapping presents...)
Pretty much this is how the afternoon looked.  Either we were all crashing on the couches or people were in their beds for long naps.  It was a lazy afternoon...
For dinner we ordered take out from one of our favorite local Italian places, Angelo and Vinci's.  Kit requested it and felt like it was just the comfort food he wanted:
Eden is a HUGE fan: 
That was our day.  It was pretty uneventful.  
Kit is taking today off and I am just praying that everyone starts feeling better so that we can get back to our normal routine and rhythm.♥