
being outside...

With the warmer summer months here, we have been outside quite a bit.  Ryder loves to be in the dirt and it is so fun to work on the yard and enjoy some outdoor time!
We planted peppers for salsa.  This is our first year growing them, but we figure that if the salsa plants are next to the avocado/guacamole tree, there is a party waiting to happen!
 One of Ryder's self-appointed "jobs" is watering the plants.  It's sweet how serious he is about his gardening... 
 We also planted some new succulents in some pots.
 Succulents make me so happy, primarily because it is REALLY hard for me to kill them.
(Thanks Eric and Diane for my birthday plants!)
 Ryder is always ready to help!
 Eden just loves being outside...
We are excited about all the memories we will be making this summer.  We have already enjoyed some BBQs, a baseball game in the sprinklers, time in the jacuzzi, enjoying the last of our tangelos in the early evening while we wait for Kit to get home...