
our little piece of crazy

I have had so many conversations with people recently about having little kiddos.  The consistent theme is this:
1. It goes so fast and will be over before you know it
2. People wish that they could have gone back and enjoyed it more, instead of being so worried and exhausted from trying to do it perfectly.
It just makes you think.  I realize how much I appreciate our babioes and how simple our lives are right now.  Where it is SO frustrating to constantly cleanup messes and change diapers, I am loving that our schedule is our own, no restraints, we can do what we want and fill our days as we choose.  there is freedom in that!  Playdates and little adventures... I want to take advatage of this time because it will be over before I know it and I will miss the days where Rdyer wants to have lots of kisses before bedtime, or where he wants to help us and be with us and crawl in bed with us in the morning.  
So to help me remeber what these days are like, here sia little run down of our little piece of crazy:
630a: Rdyer wakes up and asks for iPad time.  If he gets it, he does not get it during Eden's nap time.
700a: Eden wakes up, iPad goes away and both kids come into bed to get some snuggles with Kit before he has to get up and get ready for work
715a: Breakfast at the table with our question cards and music.  (Usually our favortie worship playlist.)
745a: Cleanup the bacon, oatmeal, and milk spills and wipe the highchair down for the first time of the day.
815a: Kit heads off to work and Ryder HAS to shut his door and get a curbside kiss.
815-830: Diapers and clothes changed and toy time starts.  I will pull out potato heads or the play farm or something that they can do together.  Today it was cars and books.
930a: Morning nap for Eden.  Ryder and I work on his alphabet puzzle and Magnadoodle.  This is when we will work on either our letters, numbers or colors or shapes.  We will also work on our speech homework.  Eden sleeping makes it SO much easier!
 1000a: I ordered a potty seat, and the book "Once upon a potty" and present for our nephews upcoming  birthday party.  We then watch you tube videos on potty training.  Ryder is getting more and more interested.
Rdyer takes his remote control motorcycle outside.  He just loves being outside! 
Then we get a stack of books and Ryder and I read together while I make a grocery list for errands when Eden wakes up.  It's a good time for a snacks too:
No thank you apple skins:
1100a: Eden wakes up and wants to get into reading time:
"Make a silly face.":
I love these babies.  On this particular day Ryder was really sweet and not too rough with her.  He just wants to play with her and when she wants to do something else, you can tell he is bummed...
1145a: I have a meal plan for the week with my grocery list so we head to the store:
These carts make shopping so much nicer!
The kids were bumed because I was going pretty fast and I stopped to take the picture.  BOO!  I can already see it.  This will be the look if they are ever pulled over for speeding...
We swing by Target to get a prescription and motrin too.  The kids are total champs!
1230p: We pull up into our driveway and this is what I see:
(I've never seen this before.  They can finally reach!)
1245p: Unload groceries, makes lunches, fold and put away a laundry load and start dinner.  The kids get to pick a 30 min show.  Rdyer picked a couple of the Pixar shorts from Vol. 2.  Eden was cool with that♥.
They finish lunch I move Eden in her high chair to the kitchen and Ryder comes to help me make dinner:  Depending on the dinner, Ryder will help me.  He LOVES helping in the kitchen
215p: Both kiddos head for a nap.  I use this time to clean up the floors and left over lunch.  I catch up on emails with friends, planning playdates, run laundry loads through, get the house feeling good.  Then I sit and read blogs, edit photos, work on our family's posts.
I take 20 minutes to put my feet up, sometimes I doze.  It's really nice...
420p: Ryder wakes up from his nap and he helps me make banana bread for our playdate the next day with our cousins.
(Since Napa, Ryder has been waking up in such a funk that Kit is not here... Poor kiddo just wants him here 24/7.  Who am I idling, so do I...)
When he turned the mixer on, something got in his eye.  
He then spent the next hour on our couch with a cool pack on his eye.  He was so out of sorts that we cancelled riding bikes with our neighbors.  I was so sad for him.
445p: Eden wakes up from her nap.  She gets a diaper change and just wanders around the house and always lands on emptying her board book shelf and the kids dish drawer.  Such favorites for this girl!
450p: I send Kit a text to make sure that he is leaving on time. It's my sanity to know that he is at least on his way.
I finish laundry and final assembly of dinner while Ryder lays with his cool pack drinking milk.
I get a text from my friend Ang that baby Seth has arrived!  I cry and get all excited and I can't wait to meet him!
(Angelina and I have been texting since the night before and I am so happy that this little guy is FINALLY here!♥)
500p: The table is all ready to eat when Kit gets home:
Banana bread is in the oven. Enchiladas are ready and the salad is assembled.  Now it's just chilling with the kiddos.  Ryder is still in a funk so I am trying to be present but give him space, a dance that we do on what feels like a regular basis... Sheesh!
Due to ear infections, being out of town and teething, there have been several nights over the last few weeks where Eden would NOT let me put her down. Those are really rough seasons because I feel like I can't do dinner the way I want to.
515p: I fold and put away laundry and do a quick scour on our bathroom sink and shower while I wait for the food to cook.
615p: Kit gets home.  We are ALL elated! Immediate wrestling commences.
625p: We sit down to dinner.  Kit and I talk about how the day went.  Updates on friends from work.  He asks Ryder about his day and what the highlights were.  Ryder loved making the banana bread, but didn't like getting something in his eye.
715p: Eden gets in the bath.  I start cleaning up dinner.
  Ryder and Kit simultaneously go plant our four new pepper plants.  More on that another time.
800p: The house is clean and ready for a quiet evening.  Eden is given Motrin and teether gel and put in her crib.  (Molars have been so bad for our girl!)  We pray her life verse from Zephaniah 3:17 over her every night.
Kit is on Ryder detail, per Ryder's request.  They barter about "one more kiss" and "stay one more minute" and "I need water"... Apparently he comes by it honestly.  My parents said I did the EXACT same thing.
830p: Both kids are in bed.  Eden is a little fussy but very sleepy.
840p: Kit pulls out his computer to tackle some work stuff.
I do my core exercise. It always feels so good!
900p: Kit and I talk about work and how we are feeling about things and what happened in our day. I am so thankful for the perspective he has.  I love his vulnerability and honesty... We then talk about patio coverings that we want to put up in the back yard.  We have so much fun dreaming together.
1020p: Shower and get ready for bed.
1105p: I'm in bed with my book. 
I'm excited for what tomorrow holds...
I love our little piece of crazy, because it's ours.♥
What a blessing each day is and my prayer is that I learn to truly appreciate it and all of it's moments the good and the bad...