
birthday wishes and easter weekend

Today you are two years old!  We just can't believe how fast time has gone.  It really only feels like yesterday that we found out that we were having a boy and then when you were born, we couldn't believe that we actually had you here with us, looking at us with those HUGE hazel eyes, taking everything in.  Now you are this little man, learning new things all the time, killing us with your expressions and sense of humor.  You are independent and sensitive, relational and fearless.  You love music and you love to dance and you love using any power tool that you can get your hands on.  You love to cuddle up and watch a movie and you love to be outside discovering new things, watching bugs and playing in dirt.  You have an empathetic heart.  You are ALWAYS upset when you see someone upset, from kids in a store, to times that  you have seen your mom cry.  You are tenderhearted with a gentle spirit. When ever we eat, you want us ALL to hold hands and you want to pray, though at this point the only words that are clear are Jesus and Amen.  You are so tender with your sister.  You hold her hand and at every opportunity, you get so concerned when she cries,  you want to hold her and kiss her head and I can already see a protectiveness that you have for her.  She is so lucky to have you as her big brother.You have a smile that melts our hearts and we are so honored to be your parents.
Happy Birthday Ryder Rae!
Your laugh is one of our favorite things...
We hope you have a wonderful Easter!
"He is Risen! He is risen indeed!"