
Eden Marie's Shower

Another word for this post should be "Let me brag about how creative my friend Angelina is..."  She threw us a shower to celebrate our baby girl and it was such a beautiful event.  
Ang and I had our boys five weeks apart and they are just the best little buddies! I keep telling her that it has been weird to do this pregnancy with out her!  
(I know, talk about poor emotional boundaries ♥...) 
It was a small group of girls from our church and it was so much fun to be in  place with these amazing women!  I felt so celebrated!
First, let me show you the invitation that she created:
She is so creative!
So here are some photos of the decorations of the day:
Angelina had a little blessing tree that the girls wrote either a prayer or a blessing for Eden on.  The jar is on her bookshelf and has such a sweet remembrance for the love and support we have in welcoming this little girl.  Angelina also sent me with some blank ones so I might have some other special people add to it...
She also made that yarn 'e'. And the rosettes? They can come off and either go in her hair or be attached to a headband or hat!  Ang, you think of EVERYTHING!
 And here are the amazing women that I got to share it with me:
Angelina:(AKA hostess extraordinaire!)
 My mom came into town for the shower which was so fun for me to have her there!
The group shots♥:
Thank you all for celebrating Eden Marie and I.  I felt so loved and supported and I am so thankful for each of you!
You stop it right now!  Thank you for loving on me so well.  It was such a perfect shower...
I am thankful for you!
Ps: For those wondering what Ryder and Kit were doing, they had a play date with Angelina's husband and son... 
We love the Pavones!
They went on a bike ride to downtown Fullerton for lunch, stopping at one of our favorite parks, and getting very into a baseball game at the local field...

 How great it is to have wonderful friends!