
A prayer of accepted tenderness....

We had a doctors appointment and an ultrasound today and we have a very healthy baby in there. He is over 6 pounds and all of his little organs are working perfectly. It's amazing that his tiny little body is growing so well. It is truly awe inspiring each time we have seen him. What a blessing and privilege it is to carry this baby.

We are a little bummed because he is breech.
(His head and one of his legs are up by my ribs and his bottom and other foot are down.)

It's funny. We have a perfectly healthy baby boy and we know that he still has time to turn, but that hasn't stopped me from dwelling on the fact that his position will lead to a c-section if he doesn't turn. I keep thinking of how selfish I can be. Our goal is a healthy baby, so how does it matter what way we get him.

I went to my prayer book and this is the prayer that I found as soon as I opened it. I wanted to share it with you.

A Prayer of Accepted Tenderness

Today, O Lord, I accept your acceptance of me.
I confess that You are always with me and always for me.
I receive into my spirit your grace, Your mercy, Your care.
I rest in Your love, O Lord. I rest in Your love.
