
Easter Weekend 2020

This last Easter weekend was filled with firsts and traditions and special memories that I never want to forget. On  Good Friday, we had our tradition of reading the Easter story out of the Jesus Storybook Bible.  
Then we made an amazing dinner together!
That evening we joined with our Mission Viejo campus (in our own homes), and did a reading of scripture, and Hebrew reading of his last moments, and then were given special communion wine to pour over the four corners of our home, like in Passover. It was such a beautiful experience!
 It was unlike any Good Friday that we have done and I will always remember it!
On Saturday, we celebrated our early Easter with our traditions of an egg hunt and making a fun meal together.  We went for a special bike ride at the Flight, a trail area that just opened near our house:
We came home and made a tasty breakfast!
Then the kids played while we set our everything for the egg hunt:
Looking through all their goodies...
I love my little family!
We made a family favorite of pork ragu with Kit's homemade bread:
Kit and the kids stayed up to watch "Onward", and I headed to bed to get ready for work.
Sunday, the Easter service had been prerecorded.  This was a first for us!  Also Ryder got to share his story of how he met Jesus.
I got to live stream a few minutes from work... I was so so proud of my guys!
I can't wait for when we get to be together next year for Easter as a church family!
Then they dyed Easter eggs with the family:
 We used food coloring instead of a kit and we loved it so much more this year!
The weekend was bittersweet, missing what it is to celebrate Jesus together as a large church family with baptisms and worshiping together, and then appreciating that it afforded a different kind of relaxed family time.  We are so grateful that we have a Savior who loved us so much that we sent his Son and that the grave is empty.  He is ALIVE.  He is RISEN.  He is risen indeed.❤︎