

We had a very special weekend with some very special friends and family!  
First, on Friday night, our old neighbors from Fullerton, Our Girls, came down for dinner after Ryder's football game!  
I can not talk about them without wanting to cry, I love them so much...  They were a DAILY part of our lives and moving away from them was the HARDEST thing when we came to Tustin.  They held my babies and loved on me in my Post Partum anxiety moments when Kit couldn't be there. They helped host our kids birthday parties and Kit played on a softball team with them.  We spent holidays together and they would take my family on holidays that I had to work.  We ate countless meals together have laughed so hard we cried.  Their family and friends became our friends and family. We shared so much of life together.  We have missed them terribly!  We love you Lisa and Maria!
Then on Saturday, we had a family party to celebrate my cousin Heather being in town from Idaho!
 We ended the day with this Cannoli Dip...
How sweet is my Grandma Marie! 
We laughed so hard, ate too much, had a dance party in the sun, talked about the highs and lows of the season of life that we are all in, and fully enjoyed every second of our time together...
Oh how I love this family of mine!