
time away

We are back from an INCREDIBLE few days away in Palm Springs.  We were gone from saturday to monday.  It was so great to be away and we just had the best time together, with such fun laughing and talking and eating and relaxing!
 We stayed at the JW Marriot in Palm Desert:
It was a beautiful hotel and created a space for us to really feel like we were away!
Because it was so hot, guess where we spent most of our time?
We had tasty Mexican food our first night:
One of our favorite parts of the trip was the rest.  Sleeping by the pool and getting 8-10 hours of sleep each night...
I can't tell you how AMAZING it felt to be rested!
Sunday morning we ate at the hotel's morning brunch and just plain stuffed ourselves on amazing food.  It's funny how when you have little people, you can feel like you are rushing through things because you want to stay 8 steps ahead of them whether it's what the next activity is, what the next meal will be, how long will we have to be in the car?...
We got to do a little bit of shopping at one of my favorite stores:
Anthropologie is such a beautiful stores, even if you just went to see their displays alone, it is always worth a stop in:
We saw this restaurant and the funny thing is, I have eaten at there Florence/Firenze location when I was in college.  When we had found out that we were pregnant with Ryder, my mom gave me a wine glass from that college trip.  Needless to say, I of course had to get my picture there:
Did I mention that it got as hot as 111 degrees?!?
We spent our time either outside by the pool or inside where the air was one...
PF Changs for dinner on Sunday:
We can put a lot of food away:
We just had so much fun talking about life and dreams and goals and plans for the future and we laughed like crazy people...
Well, we laughed like two best friends who each thinks the other one is really funny♥.
We are excited to tackle the world ahead and feel rested and were very ready to get back to our little people that had spent the weekend with both of their grandparents and the Rosenbaums.
They had a BLAST!