
birthday wishes, a staff retreat, and a weekend recap of family time...

Today my Kit turns 34 and I am so thankful that I get to spend life with him... He is just amazing and I am so thankful of who he is and how he leads our family and how he loves us each SO well!  
Today he is leaving for a staff retreat so we are going to celebrate  him BIG time when he gets home!
This last saturday we met up with my mom's side of the family to celebrate my Grandma Marie'a 89th birthday.  We met at the park by her house and just got to celebrate who this amazing woman is!
Four generations:
 Ryder helped her blow out her candles: 
 Then gave us a blessing that we would all know God's peace and love:
 The park had this really cool swing and my kids loved it!
An attempt at a family shot:
(Ryder thought it was way too bright!)
My cousin Melissa, who's like a sister to Cole and I, a close friend and now we live less than 5 minutes from each other...
I love her to pieces!
She rides her bike everywhere so of course we had to decorate it!
 The whole group!
Yesterday, after church, we celebrated father's day by laying low together, knowing that kit would be gone for a few days for his staff retreat.
Here were some highlights:
The guys went to a local archery park that is close to our house:
They had a blast!
 Kit recently got tags for bow hunting and is feeling better and better each time he practices!
Here is to a new hobby!
While the boys did that, I worked on a huge project for kit that I CAN'T wait to show you tomorrow involving our favorite paint:
and Eden helped me wrap a little present for him:
Then the guys came home and Kit played bartender and made fun drinks, we ate tacos and snuggled on the couch...
We just love this man and are so thankful for who he is and ALL that he does for our family!
It was a great weekend, and we are already excited for when Kit comes home from his retreat so that we can really celebrate his birthday!