
creating: monogramed family wall

We have a wall in our dining room that has been needing a little shot of family love and I found this idea on Pinterest and realized it was a perfect project for the space.  I am so hapy about it because it allows me to change pictures out in a super easy way with out having to dismantle frames, and then I get to have updated pictures all the time.  (Did I mention that I have a slight addiction with taking pictures?)  So here is the wall that needed a little help:
 Here is the project:
I bought square 9 inch frames at Ikea:
 Framed out burlap and black cardstock and framed it OUTSIDE of the glass using spray adhesive to glue the burlap to the card stock.  (I did not glue anything to the glass incase I wanted to use it later):
 Whihc had the finished look of this:
 Then I had an 'R' that I sprayed black so that it matched the frame:
And bought metal clips at an office supply store and sprayed them the same black as the 'R':
Here is the finished frames:
I am so excited how it turned out!
It will be so easy to change the photos...