
Happy Fall!

As I write this post I am sitting in a tank top and shorts, wishing that I could pull out my scarves and have weather that is below 80 degrees... (Who am I kidding, recently I would settle for weather under 90...)

But never the less, this weekend, while Kit was speaking in Toronto, Ryder and I busted out our fall decorations and embraced that, even though it doesn't feel like it, Fall is coming!

Side note: Our house, if listed in a real estate section of a newspaper would be listed as "quaint" or "cosy" and some would just call it small, but it is the PERFECT house for us. It's our home...It's manageable and when it comes to decorating for the holidays, a little can go a long way, and that makes it easy for me!

So I started our decorations for our living room, making the mantel our focal point.
We also pulled out all of our Fall/Halloween/Thanksgiving books. It's nice to rotate them through because Ryder feels like he has new reads and I don't have to read about the "The Ugly Pumpkin" or "Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich" during the summer months...
It's a win win!
This time of year gets me so excited for all the family "get-togethers" that come with this season and I can't wait!
We have more decorating and preparations that we can't wait to share with you!
Happy Fall everyone!