After talking about trying to keep the STUFF in our house to a more simplistic minimum in this post, I was really inspired by some comments and emails that my friends sent in response. (Thank you all so much...)
One was my friend Casey who mentioned if you get one item in, you get rid of one in return to keep things from piling up. I really thought this was a great practical idea, especially for clothes and toys... So Ryder and I went through all of his toys today and it was great! I was able to figure out which toys he liked, which ones he could care less about, which ones were age appropriate and which ones we could either share with friends or donate. I found that I kept reminding myself that we have so much and their are kids out there that have no clothes or toys. Saying that was really humbling and it put things in perspective for me.
So I wanted to thank you all for encouraging me and passing along your helpful suggestions!

ps:Ryder and I love this book by David Shannon and it's very much on the same topic... causing you to realize what makes the best toys!