
a little project for the little man's room...

We recently repainted one of our bookshelves for Ryder's room (because at our house, we love books!) so it led to a fun (and incredibly easy) project that I wanted to share with you. It's a plain, empty frame turned into a cork message board:

I took a frame that I had saved from our first apartment,
found spray paint in an orange that went with Ryder's room,
and purchased 12 inch cork squares (they came is a pack of 4 and I used three of them to make sure that the thickness would hold up to my tacks...)
The finished product:
(A shout out to my sister for the license plate name/fish art that she gave Ryder for Christmas...Cole, You know us so well, what do people do without sisters?)
I am really excited for how fast this project was. His little room is growing up with him. It is just so fun, and a little crazy!