
Prayer of a sleep deprived mom...

I find that the prayer I keep saying over and over again is, "Lord, help me not miss it..." It has many layers: For example, "Lord, help me not miss a blatantly obvious sign that I need to take him to the doctor because this cry seems more serious than just teething..." or "Lord, help me not miss this time that I have with him at this age, right now, today, this moment, because I know I will never have it again with him...." to "Lord, help me not to miss an opportunity to depend on you and learn what it is to lean into you and your grace as I learn what it is to parent this little guy with you as our guide..." to "Lord, help me not miss this opportunity to rest because he is finally napping and I really need a break..." to " Lord, help me not miss the opportunity to enjoy being a mom and a parent, as opposed to just surviving it..."

Lord, help me not miss it... amen...