
Santa came to visit...

 ...and not one picture came out.  Oh well, the kids loved getting to wave at him...
Today marks the last day of school before Christmas vacation!
It was also Spirit Week in Ryder class:
Our favorites were elf day, reindeer day, and red and white day:
We taped felt ears onto the Robin Hood hat that he wore for Halloween when he was 4:
Making it work...
I had to laugh that he wore antlers WITH his Kuiu hat...
Then for his red and white day, we safety pinned home made pom-poms to a shirt... We had fun while making it work...❤︎
Then the week was finished off with Pajama day:
On Wednesday, Eden had her class "party in a bag" and they got to do crafts and drink hot chocolate and play bingo and watch a little movie together:
(Our room moms are amazing!)
In a season that has been filled with really hard moments of missing things and cancelled plans, moments like these bring our hearts so much joy!  
Tonight will be a movie night and ordering in from Avilas, where we always go on the last night of school, and covid will not stop us from getting our tortilla soup and tacos...❤︎