
Historical moments in the time of a nurse...

 On Tuesday, December 22, I received the Covid-19 vaccine.  

I wanted to cry because it was the first time that I felt hopeful that there could be a light at the end of this tunnel of a pandemic...
After I got it, we were monitored for 15 minutes.  The only side effect I got was a sore arm.  I will get the booster as well.
Also, it was the day that I floated around to three different units because the house census was completely full and nurses were maxed.  I haven't been on Med/Surg units in over 15 years.  One of my assignments was to admit a Covid patient for respiratory difficulty.  All to say, it has been so intense each time we step into the doors of the hospital.  It has brought me to tears...
What we wear: (Minus the gown
My only connection to people is the picture on my badge, from when I was first hired at 22 years old.
Things look different these days under my mask...haha!
It was also a day that we had opened up the tents for our surge mode to care for all those that were coming in and overflowing in the ER. 
I want to remember all of the details of this season that we are in.  It is historical and I am so proud to be a nurse and I am so proud of our hospital.  What a privilege it is to do what we do.