
An crafting nook for our little crafter!

When we moved into our house over 5 years ago, I had had a plan to create a spot in Eden's closet for her to either have a  reading or craft nook.  She was only two when we moved into this house so I am so glad we waited, because a space for her to craft was a definite win!
So then fast forward to last week.  Here is the closet space:
While I was on my run, I found one of these on the curb:
 I sanded it down and painted it:
The size was PERFECT!
I pulled out acrylic flower paintings that I have been collecting since we lived in Fullerton. (Totaling $2 for all three...)
I hung a clip LED light with a white extension cord to keep things easy:
And we got everything hung up just how I Imagined it:
She came home and LOVED IT!